StarVega "..I love regressed charts"
Never really thought about them, but it makes sense, the planting-seed-thing.
So I just progressed my own natal to P`s birth, just some tidbits:
my pr ASC on 10 Sag, same degree as pr Neptune and pr NN - in fact pr Neptune and pr NN only 2 minutes apart, and my pr NN was being direct for a change, it rarely is, of course.
pr Amor PRECISELY conjunct n ASC (no orb at all)
pr Sun on 1 Cap, exactly on my n Sun/Venus-midpoint (no orb either, same minute)
many years later we would meet with Tr Pluto being just one minute conjunct that. lol
pr Venus coming into partile ocnjunction with his name in my natal chart
pr Ceres coming into partile conjunction with pr Jupiter
T.square of his pr Name on 17 Cap, pr Saturn on 16 Cancer, pr Moon on 17 Aries
his pr name also trine my pr name with just a bout half a degree (my pr name sextile pr Saturn exact)
and wow, is that not hilarious?
M`s pr name on 17 Leo square my pr name and quinkunx his pr name exact (of course also trine pr Moon though)
and regressing his chart to my natal
pr Vesta trine pr NN
pr MC sextile pr Pallas-Psyche
pr Pallas conjunct pr Psyche on 23 Aqua exact
pr Chiron opposite pr M exact (though pr M is also in orb for trining his pr name)
pr Mercury square pr NN
pr Amor opp. pr Eros on 5 degree Virgo-Pisces
pr Mars conjunct pr Jupiter conjunct his pr name
pr Venus trine pr Lilith with a bit over 1 degree
pr Vertex conjunct n DESC exact
pr Moon conjunct pr Pluto, but with 2 degree orb),
pr Moon exact trine pr Psyche-Pallas and sextile pr MC
pr Pluto exact sextile pr Sun
pr Uranus square pr Psyche-Pallas exact
pr Priapus conjunct my pr name on 7 Pisces exact
and progressing his chart to M`s birth
pr Ceres conjunct pr ASC on 7 Aries exact. lol No more words needed I guess.
(btw conjunct her n Sun by 1 degree - I guess this highlights her role in his life?)
pr Juno sextile pr Saturn and opposite n Venus exact
pr Jupiter conjunct his pr name on 10 Virgo exact
my pr name on 10 Pisces, pr Eros on 11 PIsces (within partile ocnjunction) and a bit widish pr Moon on 13 Pisces. curious
pr Moon also trines her pr name on 13 Scorpio exact.
pr Amor conjunct pr Mars on 12 Virgo exact
pr Lilith square pr Neptune exact
pr Sun on 2 Cap trine pr MC on 3 Cap, trine pr Vesta on 3 Taurus
on the other hand
pr Venus on 2 Aqua square pr Vesta on 3 and n Vesta on 2 Taurus
pr Priapus conjunct pr Psyche on 27 Aqua
I know I got off topic, and not sure what that all means anyway, if anything at all, but well I thought it was interesting. so regressing his chart to my birth comes up with a Moon-Pluto-conjunction in Libra in his 7th house natally, Moon is a bit wide of course 2 degrees off Pluto, however I do notice it occupies the exact degree of our composite Mars,
my to his birth progressed chart has pr Moon on 17 Aries, widely conjunct pr Chiron on 19 Aries in my natal 4th house, and of course this means that pr moon is conjunct my Draco Sun really (and btw his pr Moon is conjunct his Draco ASC exactly).
.... You remind me of who I really am?....
funny enough if I did a composite of these, which I am not sure i could, it would give us a Moon of about 20 Capricorn, conjunct our ACTUAL compospite Moon and actually even more precisley falling onto the MOon/Venus-conjunction-midpoint and exactly squaring our nodal axis. Skipped step anyone?
and have seen weird things like that, an apparent "planting of seeds." Like the whole design of time allows for us to see trajectories.
"Well his pr Mercury was on the same degree, 10 minutes applying to conjunct pr Podcasts DESC and our pr composite Sun."
"It`s quite interesting anyway that the ASC-ruler is Sun, and that conjuncts Venus in Gemini in 11th house, and adding to that the DESC-ruler Uranus, conjunct Moon (and Ceres) in Aries in 10th house.
No wonder they have mainly female audience. lol"
Oh how funny....that does fit! And I guess by the time sun-Uranus perfects, pr Mars will be in Sag? Then it really gets wild.
"Well it`s interesting that Moon is conjunct URanus, and actually I was first commenting (and probably thereby activating my personal "first podcast meeting chart" with them) when Moon had been exact on Uranus that day. I mean I don`t have an Aqua-Moon parallel Uranus for nothing I guess! lol Also that conjunction is just about 2 degrees from my Draconic Venus and even closer to his Draconic Desc (and in conjunction with his Draco Saturn-Vertex as well)." know sometimes you say things spontaneously and attribute it to Sag Mercury....Aqua moon parallel Uranus is probably compelling you to engage in life more fully, too. I know that Uranus transits have sometimes made me want to take huge risks socially, like re-contacting people I haven't talked to in ages. But I have moon = Saturn/Uranus midpoint and usually don't cave in. Which makes life more boring perhaps.
I forgot you two have a draco Venus-DSC conjunction!
"almost like his Pluto in his own natal 7th house is trying to drag my Chiron out of the clinging to the old and even more out of the hiding place that a natal 4th house sometimes can be, and of course very literally dragging me a bit out of circling constantly around my family and instead trying to have a bit more individual fun in my life. Seems the podcasts Moon-Uranus-Ceres really emphasize this, too. though it is interesting that these are on my natal Chiron in 4th, but then again that is some aspect of the podcast that fascinates me, just how much I am recognizing my own childhood in this!"
Aw! Yes I know what you mean about recognizing your childhood, and that is such a remarkably intricate and yet fitting observation there.
Uranus-Ceres calls to mind strange food. Their type of bacon is strange indeed.
"But anyway I did check the progressed podcast chart and transit chart for the time last year, when they did the live video and P was suddenly addressing me personally. lol "
*nods* Data pointing to some friendliness there.
"Tr Mars opposite pr podcast Vertex by about 1 degree as well (so the Tr Mars-Saturn-opposition was highlighted, and was so on my Sun-Mercury-conjunction. and also pulling in pr Chiron on 24 Pisces lol)
Tr NN squyre pr Mars exactly"
Maybe these Mars oddities help explain the odd feeling you got from the podcast, as if P had things on his mind he wouldn't say. Gem Mars opposing Saturn, held back. NN square pr Mars...same thing, or rather...decisions might feel more consequential then.
"Tr Venus conjunct pr Uranus exactly, naturally."
I'm really fond of Venus-Uranus contacts.
Hmm, where is Uranus now? 27 Aries...trine your suns. I think it's almost a shame you've got Saturn on your suns at the same time, but who am I to tinker with the order of things. And Saturn can be a romance planet of course, as I was saying about Cap and the MC/10th house lately. Well you two are both romantics even with the drab and dreary Cap Venuses.